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There is a saying: ‘With Jao Tsung-i, Hong Kong is no longer a cultural desert.’ Throughout the hundred years of his life, Professor Jao Tsung-i had spared no effort to champion traditional Chinese culture. He believed that the river of Chinese culture flows on without end, and this faith also strengthened his motivation to teach, research and create works of art without stop.

This catalogue is in five sections, based on Professor Jao’s life experiences and cultural activities: An Erudite Family Background (1917–1952), Researching through Teaching (1952–1968), Travels and Lectures (1968–1973), The Integration of Scholarship and Art (1973–1978) and An Even Richer Life after Retirement (1978–2018). Snapshots of his daily life, personal letters, academic and artistic achievements, literary writings and archive collections would give readers a comprehensive understanding of this Hongkong-based scholar as they trace his paths and stories in academia and the arts. He had become one of the most reputable names among scholars in Chinese studies and in many fields of studies in the world by sheer assiduous learning and exemplary perseverance.

The life of Professor Jao represents ‘the reflection between scholarship and art’. He left valuable cultural wealth to Hong Kong, our country and the world, symbolising the ever-flourishing Chinese culture.




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