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Magic Phonics系列以一套富趣味兼具成效的phonics教學方法,配合12本精美圖書、多功能Magic Pen點讀筆,以及各款字母卡、發音卡和圖書卡,家長可更有效地指導孩子學習phonics,讓孩子愛上英語。

Magic Phonics 系列課程旨在培養孩子的語音意識。本系列分為三個階段、十六個課題,由淺入深,先學習英文字母的名稱(letter name) 和發音(letter sound),然後學習不同的音節

首(onset) 及尾韻(rime),豐富的學習活動讓孩子能掌握拼合(blending) 和分拆(segmenting)的技巧,最後學習音節(syllable)、詞根(prefix & suffix) 等,為小學英語課程做好準備。

Magic Phonics系列的12本圖書涵蓋幼稚園及初小課程所有英語常見發音。孩子循序漸進地由英文字母開始接觸,再進一步辨識、拼合、分拆英語字詞的發音,然後學習更高程度的發音與字詞結構,過程中運用大量詞彙和句子,豐富孩子的語言能力。靈活配合富有趣味的學習卡、動畫影片和Magic Pen點讀筆,使孩子享受其學習樂趣之餘,也能強化聆聽、說話、和閱讀能力。

Magic Phonics series presents a set of interesting and effective phonics teaching kit. With its 12 course books, Magic Pen, letter cards, sound cards and picture cards, parents can guide children to learn phonics and develop an interest in English.

Magic Phonics helps develop children's phonological awareness through phonics. This series is divided into 3 levels and 16 topics. Children learn the letter names and letter sounds of English alphabet first and then go on to recognise different onsets and rimes. Numerous fun learning activities allow children to master the techniques of how to blend sounds and segment words. Children proceed to learn syllables, prefixes and suffixes of English words to prepare for primary English curriculum.

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