{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsActivityText') }}
{{ item.activityName }}
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封底介紹: 「 你有珍藏的寶物嗎?家人「收收埋埋」的至寶,你又知道多少?


Memories in a Tin Box is a collection of oral histories about 24 treasures kept by elderlies in Hong Kong. It was aimed to rediscover the action of “collection” (or keepsake) by plebeians comparing to the growing trend of art or professional collection. Every single treasure kept has its own story related to its owner and evokes his/her emotions and memories.


“Have you kept any treasures?

How much do you know about your family’s keepsakes?

Stories of twenty four objects narrated by their owners were transcribed and compiled to this book, reflecting the intertwined emotions as well as the lives once led.”



{{ isMore ? _getLangText('m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionHideText') : _getLangText('m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionShowText') }}

{{ _getLangText('m_asideBuyList_titleText') }}