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一群小動物決心組成最出色的管弦樂團,為了偷師學藝, 更不惜潛入香港文化中心觀賞香港管弦樂團的音樂會!

當小動物們陶醉於美樂中,盡責的帶位員卻把牠們逐一帶走, 最後觀眾席上只剩下紅鸛小姐。


這是一本充滿趣味的互動式繪本, 讓不同年齡的孩子學習音樂會的禮儀和體驗樂團演出的流程。


The Stowaways Symphony is the HK Phil’s first children’s picture book and a 50th Anniversary initiative!

The zoo orchestra needs inspiration!

Disguised to avoid suspicion, six zoo animals escape their enclosures to watch the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. However, during the performance, an usher spots and removes them one by one.

With only Flamingo left by the end, she wonders if she will ever get a magical concertgoing experience, or if she’ll also be found out and kicked out for good...

This interactive, fun-filled children’s storybook guides concertgoers of all ages through the etiquette and experience of watching an orchestra.

*30+ reusable stickers inside

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