Oxford IB Diploma Biology Study Guide 2014 Edition

作者:Andrew Allott
出版社:Oxford University Press
$ 337.00


This comprehensive Study Guide reinforces all the key concepts for the 2014 syllabus, ensuring students develop a clear understanding of all the crucial topics at SL and HL. Breaking concepts down into manageable sections and with diagrams and illustrations to cement understanding, exam preparation material is integrated to build student confidence and assessment potential. Directly linked to the Oxford Biology Course Book to extend and sharpen comprehension, this book supports maximum achievement in the course and assessment.

- Fully comprehensive and matched to the new 2014 syllabus
- Concise and focused approach simplifies complex ideas, building truly confident understanding
- Clear and explanatory style uses plenty of visuals to make each concept accessible, easing comprehension
- Build a strong foundation of assessment skills, strengthening potential with integrated exam questions
- Develop assessment confidence, drawing on thorough assessment support and advice
- Clear and straightforward language helps EAL learners focus on the Biology

About the Series:
Written by IB examiners, Oxford IB Study Guides effectively reinforce key topics in a concise, user-friendly format, cementing understanding. Aligned with current syllabuses these indispensable books effectively prepare learners for assessment with revision support, past paper questions, and exam strategies.

About the Author:

Andrew Allott was an IB Diploma student in 1974. He has since worked extensively as an IB curriculum developer, workshop leader and biology teacher.