This book has been written to help Putonghua learners improve their colloquial skills and enable them to respond more quickly and naturally in different situations. It is divided into four units (Daily Life, Socialising, Expressing Feelings and Different Moods), each containing twelve lessons exploring various topics. Providing transcriptions in Hanyu Pinyin and English versions, the book is suitable for both Hong Kong and English speaking language students.
學懂三句話,輕鬆走天下 A reference book for learners of all levels
黃安娜,考獲國家語委普通話水平測試一級證書。早年曾在英國劍橋理工學院C C A T 修讀英語,後在台灣生活多年。1990年代初舉家遷往北京,後再移居上海。2000年返港後一直從事普通話教學工作。