出版作品包括:《自願被吃的豬》(The Pig That Wants To Be Eaten:And ninety-nine other thought experiments)、《新聞挖挖挖》(Making Sense:Philosophy Behind the Headlines)、《你以為你以為的就是你以為的嗎?》(Do You Think What You Think You Think?)、《哲學家的工具箱》(The Philosopher’s Toolkit: A Compendium of Philosophical Concepts and Methods)、《我們為什麼要活著?》(What’s It All About?Philosophy and the Meaning of Life)、《一把鑰匙,走進哲學》(Philosophy: Key Themes)、《只有這本!必讀的西方五大哲學家經典》(Philosophy: Key Texts)、《鴨子中了大樂透》(The Duck that Won the Lottery:And 99 Other Bad Arguments)、《吃的美德》(The Virtues of the Table)、《你以為你的選擇真的是你的選擇?》(Freedom Regained)。