
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}施仲謀,廖佩莉
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}中華書局(教育)
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsTips1Text') }}
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsActivityText') }}
{{ activityObj.name }}

{{_getLangText("m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionText") }}



施仲謀博士,香港教育大學中國語言學系主任,曾任香港大學中文學院主任。研究範圍以漢語語言學、國際漢語教學及中華文化為主。專著有《語言與文化》、《廣州音北京音對應手冊》等十多種,分別於內地、台灣、香港及日本等地出版。曾任香港大學文學院副院長,香港中文教育學會會長及香港中國研究生會創會會長; 現兼任世界漢語教學學會常務理事,全國中語會學術委員及語文現代化學會顧問等職務。

Dr Liu Pui Lee, an experienced teacher educator for many years. She has been researching and experimenting on how best to teach Chinese language and how to assess learners’ learning. Her research projects and interests are mainly on " Assessment in Chinese language", " How children learn Chinese language", " The use of portfolio" and " Teacher Development". She has published articles in both local and international journals. Dr. Liu has been invited to provide consultancy services to both kindergartens and primary schools and she believes that effective educational theory should be related to the practice in schools.