Administrative Law: Text and Materials, 5/E

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Jason N. E. Varuhas,Mark Elliott
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}Oxford University Press
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{{_getLangText("m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionText") }}

Administrative Law Text and Materials combines carefully selected extracts from key cases, articles, and other sources with detailed commentary. Aimed at undergraduates studying administrative law, it provides comprehensive coverage of the subject and brings together in one volume the best features of a textbook and a casebook.

Rather than simply presenting administrative law as a straightforward body of legal rules, this engaging, critical text considers the subject as an expression of underlying constitutional and other policy concerns, which fundamentally shape the relationship between the citizen and the state. The result is a fascinating account of a subject of crucial importance.

Online Resource Centre
The book is supported by online an Online Resource Centre, offering the following useful resources:

- Updates which cover all the legal developments since publication
- 'Oxford NewsNow' RSS feeds provide constantly refreshed links to the latest relevant new stories
- Interactive timeline of key dates in British political history
- Annotated web links

About the Authors:

Mark Elliott is Professor of Public Law at the University of Cambridge. He is also the author of the popular blog which offers his personal views on all the key developments in public law.

Jason N. E. Varuhas is Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne.

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