Calling all future members of the Super Secret Monster Patrol! Kids love reading about the wacky monsters that attack Stermont in Troy Cummings' bestselling The Notebook of Doom series. Now fans can own Alexander Bopp's S.S.M.P. Monster Notebook, featuring each monster's habitat, diet, and everything else a monster-fighter needs to know! This 144-page, full-color book features information about every monster from The Notebook of Doom series, plus never-before-seen monsters, too. This fun monster manual is perfect for young readers who love monsters, monsters, and more monsters!
About the Author:
Troy Cummings has been drawing since he was a little kid. His illustrations have appeared in newspapers and magazines, on websites, on frozen-fish-stick packages, and in hospital waiting rooms. His picture books include The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out!, More Bears!, and Giddy-Up, Daddy! The Notebook of Doom is his first early chapter book series. He lives in Indiana with his cat and family.