Ayo Gorkhali

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Tim I. Gurung
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}Blacksmith Books (HK)
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{{ activityObj.name }}

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“Ayo Gorkhali!” – “The Gurkhas are upon you!” – is the battle cry of one of the world's most famous fighting forces. Yet the Gurkha story is not only about bravery in combat. It is also a story of tragedy.

In WWI alone, 200,000 Gurkhas out of Nepal's five million people took up arms for the British cause. A further 250,000 Gurkhas fought alongside the British in WWII. In their 200-year history, the Gurkhas have served in places such as Malaya, Singapore, Borneo, East Timor, Hong Kong, Cyprus, the Falklands, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. Although the British Empire's reign in Asia has ended, some 3,500 Gurkhas are currently serving in the British Army in the UK.

Written by a Gurkha, this book tells the Gurkhas' story from the very beginning to the present day. It deals with their history and its ramifications on the nation of Nepal.