Trigonometry: A Very Short Introduction

作者:Glen Van Brummelen
出版社:Oxford University Press


Rooted in ancient astronomy, trigonometry is mathematics' powerful toolkit for scientific measurement. It has been at the heart of the study of infinity, complex and imaginary numbers, and the shape of the space itself. Our experience of the universe has been made possible, and deeply challenged, by this surprisingly deep and fruitful subject.

Draws together the full history of trigonometry, stretching across two millennia and several cultures

Introduces the key concepts of trigonometry, drawing readers beyond the basic relationships first encountered in school to ideas such as curved space

Explores connections with genuine modern applications, including navigation, the analysis of music, and computer graphics

Shows how trigonometry has participated in big questions about the world, including the shape of the universe and the nature of infinity

Part of the Very Short Introductions series - over ten million copies sold worldwide
