Hong Kong Old Shops香港老店 貳集

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}隋彪,隋緣
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}EASTPRO
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsTips1Text') }}
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsActivityText') }}
{{ activityObj.name }}

{{_getLangText("m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionText") }}

Hong Kong Old Shops 2 is an exceptional visual journey that captures the essence of a bygone era through 90 meticulously curated photographs. The book offers a unique look into the heart and soul of store owners who devoted their lives to their businesses, their stories beautifully preserved in each frame.

The project is graced by the talent of renowned photographer Tsui Piu, known for his mastery in capturing cultural nuances. His skillful portrayal adds depth to the narrative, making each image a story-telling masterpiece.

Immerse yourself in the captivating tales and cherished memories of Hong Kong's rich heritage with this book. It serves as a heartfelt tribute to the stores that once stood tall, shaping the vibrant tapestry of this incredible city.

精心挑選的90張 香港老店照片不僅僅是圖像;它們是令人難忘的紀念,捕捉了時代的精髓。每頁照片都是店主生活的 故事,他們為自己的事業傾注了全部心血。他們堅定不移的奉獻精神和決心被完好地保存下來。

著名攝影師 Tsui Piu 是捕捉文化的攝影大師,他為香港老店發揮了非凡的才華。

與我們一起踏上香港老店2的非凡時光之旅。讓這本非凡的書引導您漫步懷舊 老店,沉浸在90個迷人的故事和珍貴的回憶中。它證明了香港豐富的歷史遺產的不朽,也是對那些曾經屹立不倒、塑造了這座令人難以置信的城市充滿活力的商店的衷心敬意。